Knee Pain That Won’t Go Away
When you have knee pain that won’t go away it is time to get some answers!
Sometimes out of nowhere, patients are told they have no knee cartilage remaining and need a knee replacement. This is of great surprise to those on the receiving end of the news.
Knee arthritis can be silent and may develop over time with little or no pain until it suddenly becomes painfully obvious something is wrong.
This has been termed ‘silent arthritis,’ as it develops almost silently.
Fortunately, there is often some knee cartilage left. This may be an opportune time to consider stem cell therapy as an option to knee replacement surgery.
The arthritic process is supposed to be a progressively degenerative one. Stem cells may alter this paradigm, and slow, retard or even reverse this process.
This is the nature of stem cells as a reparative cell nature has given us.
Treating Knee Pain That Won’t Go Away
As Regenerative Medicine specialists we are fostering natures own inherent healing powers to effect a treatment option for this arthritic process.
Of course, every human being is a unique individual. This means not every case is alike and one must evaluate every patient individually.
Patients often desire specific statistics. Yet they know they are unique in the world, and thus logically must not think of themselves as akin to every other human.
We come in all shapes and sizes. Likewise, all outcomes come in different ways based upon many factors and variables.
Stem cells may be a valuable tool for knee pain as an alternative to just letting time erode the knee further away.