Depression, Hygiene, and Joint Pain
It is not uncommon for patients with long standing pain in multiple joints to become depressed. Especially, multiple joint arthritis. Advancing age and obesity accelerate the degenerative cascade of arthritis, especially in lower extremity joints, such as the hip, knee and ankle. This is why older obese patients have increased pain in their weight bearing joints.
Pain and Hygiene

Increased hip, knee ankle and back arthritis pain is often associated with depression if untreated. A clue is often disregarded for personal hygiene, poor sleep and mood changes, as well as heightened pain levels without apparent new cause.
Your Overall Health
Many patient’s don’t often consider how personal hygiene can affect all aspects of your life. Your hygiene alone can protect you from different illnesses and viruses. Not only that, but it also can make you feel better about yourself, your work life, and make you more confident and approachable. Poor hygiene can cause depression and anxiety resulting in a person isolating themselves.
Basic Cleanliness Practices

These few practices are necessary for general health, disease prevention, and self confidence.
-Trimming and cleaning your fingernails.
-Bathing regularly.
-Washing your hands.
-Brushing your teeth.
Dr. Dennis Lox and Hygiene
When patients come in to consult with Dr. Lox, he is very thorough. If the patient is overweight, he discusses diet change, exercise and ways to improve the patients quality of life. If a patient has bad hygiene, he will discuss that as well. Your hygiene affects your overall physical and mental health. That is important when caring for a patient.