A Canadian Equestrian with Hip AVN Consults with Dr. Lox for Stem Cell Therapy
An equestrian from Canada who was diagnosed with hip AVN consulted Dr. Lox for treatment with stem cell therapy.
As with most active athletes, equestrians are typically avid in their passion. To refrain from riding is not a pleasant option for them. This patient was diagnosed with post-traumatic hip AVN.
She was interested in stem cells as a treatment option. She researched stem cells, AVN, and Dr. Lox. Her desire was to avoid hip replacement surgery and continue to ride. These are common goals for many athletic patients with hip AVN. Stem cells have been used in the treatment of AVN in several ways.
What is AVN?
AVN occurs when the blood supply to a region of bone becomes impaired leading to bone cell death or necrosis. The hip is the most frequently involved joint in Avascular Necrosis (AVN). Hip AVN may often be in both hips. It can be seen in multiple joints such as the hip and knee.
Trauma is the leading cause of AVN. Other associated factors include excessive corticosteroids or alcohol. Disease states such as autoimmune disorders, Lupus and sickle cell can be involved. AVN may also be a side effect to treatment with chemotherapy or radiation.
Stem cell therapy may be considered in the evaluation and management of hip AVN for some patients. Stem cells can function in many pathways for healing and repair in Avascular Necrosis (AVN).
If AVN is evaluated early and joint collapse has not occurred, then there are more possibilities. Late stages of AVN, or if joint collapse has already led to rapid joint destruction has fewer possibilities. In that case, it may only be reasonable to deter further joint destruction. Strategies may be employed to help in this regard. This may also be an important component of considering the use of stem cell therapy in younger patients who which to deter hip or other joint replacement until later in life, as joint prosthetic devices will wear out. Each patient has their own unique goals which must be addressed to properly assess that patient for stem cell therapy. Such an approach leads to a more educated team, patient included upon desired expectations, goals and needs.
Hip AVN Relief
If you’re in pain or had an injury and are looking for an alternative to surgery, contact us immediately at one of our locations. Our Main Medical Center located in Tampa Bay, Florida (727) 462-5582 or at Beverly Hills, California (310) 975-7033.