Avascular Necrosis Treatment
Avascular Necrosis Treatment Options for Patients with All Stages of Bone Cell Death
Avascular necrosis treatment can fall into one of three categories: conservative methods like exercise, rest, and medications (either prescription or over the counter); operations; and non-surgical procedures.
Today, patients who have been diagnosed with avascular necrosis have more therapeutic options than ever before – including safe and effective alternatives to invasive surgery.
Adult stem cell therapy, for instance, uses the patient’s own cells to regenerate healthy bone tissue. A stem cell procedure is remarkably similar to a bone marrow transplant; a physician extracts a sample of the patient’s own fat tissue or bone marrow, separates out the stem cells, and transplants the cells directly into the target site.
Patients often begin to note palliative benefits – such as a reduction in joint pain or inflammation – within a week of receiving stem cell-based avascular necrosis treatment. Over the next three to six months, the body continues to repair itself. When the treatment is successful, the stem cells trigger the growth of new bone tissue; patients can see overall improvements in mobility, physical function, and quality of life.
Advantages of Adult Stem Cell Therapy for Avascular Necrosis
Adult stem cell therapy is a non-surgical avascular necrosis treatment option. This makes it less intensive than the other necrosis therapies, such as joint replacements or resurfacing. Because the stem cells are derived from the patient’s own tissues, there’s no risk of disease transmission or tissue rejection. Patients aren’t required to follow up with immunosuppressive therapy, and there’s no risk of post-operative complications.
At the Sports and Regenerative Medicine Centers, a Regenerative Therapy Center of Excellence, stem cell therapy takes just three to four hours. State-of-the-art technology allows patients to have their stem cells processed and re-targeted in a single appointment. Because this is an outpatient procedure, patients can recover in the comfort of their own home.
Our Board-Certified physiatrist, Dr. Lox, would be happy to discuss your avascular necrosis treatment options with you. Call us today to schedule a consultation at one of our stem cell therapy treatment centers.