A Man on Vacation Questions Dr. Lox on Shoulder Pain

While vacationing, Dr. Lox was at the resort hotels gym. A man was struggling with preacher curls in pain. Dr. Lox asked what was wrong. The man in his late 40’s and good shape said he was told by his orthopedic surgeon he had a partial rotator cuff and bicep tear, and a labral tear. His surgeon advised cutting his bicep tendon, and rebuilding his labrum, so he would avoid shoulder replacement surgery in the future.
Avoiding Shoulder Surgery
Dr. Lox informed him to research the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons position statement on arthroscopic surgery after 50, as it pushes the patient towards a shoulder replacement surgery faster. Trauma accelerates degenerative arthritis, surgery is another form of trauma, and aging accelerates the degenerative process over time. Few patients are told all this, as it requires a lot of one on one time. The patient and Dr. Lox carried on this conversation while both men continued their workouts nearby.
Being a Doctor Can Be Rewarding
The man thanked Dr. Lox and said he would definitely research it, and was told by a few friends about Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Therapy. Dr. Lox replied, guess what I do for a living? Again, the man thanked Dr. Lox for caring enough he discussed his situation while on vacation, spending more time with the man than the surgeon had, all while both continued to work out.